Tuesday 10 February 2015

What you think you become.

I write for the 1% of you, I am aware. For the rest I am some sort of dangerous hippie and I can deal with that, no issues. So I will  be myself and I will never tell you to stay strong and wait for a cure.

Realistically speaking that's not going to happen, its  far too complicated, auto-immune diseases are a mystery and will remain so until our scientists will drop the blinkers and decide to look at the human in its entirety, body and mind. Conscious, subconscious, emotions, body.

I know there are many out there laughing hysterically in their minds at such an idea and that illness can be in any way our own creation .They are right, how could we be responsible that our body is damaged in any way shape or form?
Honestly I find these type of statements quite hilarious and made by emotionally immature people.

We easily notice when we get angry that the heart is beating faster, we sweat, our stomach cringes in pain, when we are sad we don't feel like eating, sleeping, when excited we don't feel hunger or tiredness; when we want to lose weight by starvation the body uses the muscles instead of fat and so on.
All signs that the body is intelligent and connected to our brain, they 'discuss' and take decisions of what is best  for survival or immediate or long term needs.
Now if we are clear here, lets move  forward. Its scientifically proven that we have between 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day. Ninety nine percent of these are repetitive, that internal repetitive nagging, that half dead thoughts talking incessantly, some telling always that you are not good enough, smart enough, skinny enough, someone doesn't love you, you don't love because x,y,z,  you feel ashamed, annoyed, scared, alone, ill, sick, dying.....thoughts and thoughts about  how you perceive yourself and the world and rarely  positive ones.
These thoughts, repetitive thoughts become part of the subconscious, and if we are not happy kids it means we are old enough to have a big subconscious full of mainly negative perceptions.

That's the explanation of the saying - "what you think you become". .

Let me take that further, you say you are sick, be sure you are and that will not change. Say you fight and a war it shall become. Say you cant and you have the answer. Say you are not responsible for who you are and that is the case. Say  what you want and you will become what you want.

I'd suggest to try and listen from time to time your internal chatter as it will give you proof of how your subconscious perceives  you and the world. Because that subconscious doesn't really care that you are not really serious when lamenting about your life, about others, about how much you hate yourself and your life and so on. It thinks that it your honest perception.

I will always say be responsible of who you are because you, my friend, you are the Creator of your own painted canvas. What you have now hanging on your wall is what you painted. You want another imagine, start painting something new.
Now change the word  canvas with the word destiny. Better?

The way you did it once you can do it twice: build brick by brick another subconscious. Be aware at least from time to time about the crap you are saying to yourself. And repeat.
Attention on intention is the key.

For the body to change it needs the mind to change its wavelength, from victim to responsible, from negative to wise, from powerless to courageous, from lack of self love to loving oneself. Bless your own selves with  love, forgiveness and admiration for your journey.

This is the first step into attaining health.

PS. I guess I left you with some questions, I will not explain more, some of the things  need to be discovered alone. Finding a treasure with our own abilities and courage makes the treasure even more valuable.

Health is attained step by step. With mindfulness.

Facebook : Living With-Out lupus

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